Mini Minds does not provide emergency mental health services.
If you need immediate emergency support, call 000 or visit your nearest emergency department.
If you need to speak to someone urgently, call CAMHS Crisis Connect on 1800 048 636, Lifeline on 13 11 14 or another free helpline.

* Please enquire via info@minimindshealth.com.au for course dates/times/availability
Circle of Security Parenting program
This program is based on decades of attachment theory research.
It focuses on how to develop a secure caregiver - child relationship and emphasises how these relationships can be nurtured, strengthened and supported.
It is not about being the perfect parent. None of us are! Parenting is the hardest job in the world and we would be lying if we said we got it right every time. COS is about being good enough! It’s about making mistakes and learning from them, and repairing the damage that may have being caused.
A securely attached relationship with your child means having the ability to listen to your child and read their emotional needs. It supports your child’s ability to regulate their emotions and enhances their self esteem, giving them every opportunity to grow into respectful, confident and kind adults.
This program specialises in evidence-based Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) delivered in a group format, especially for kids. CBT helps children learn strategies to reframe the different types of thought patterns that fuel mental health issues such as anxiety. Unhelpful thoughts patterns can undermine relationships with others, learning at school and day to day life.
When children have the opportunity to learn coping skills with others around their own age, they come to understand that they are not alone. Each group program consists of 5 sessions, so children have the opportunity to build and practice a number of skills to build resilience and prevent anxiety. Although the concepts are similar, the method of delivery and activities differ between age groups which means that the activities are developmentally appropriate.
For more, please visit the website or join the Resilience Kit community on Facebook or Instagram.
Parenting Workshop - Children, Anxiety & The Developing Brain
Mini Minds is offering a two-part 90 min parenting workshop, created and delivered by Dr Louise Mansell (UK Psychologist & child author). Parents / carers will gain an understanding of the developing brain, so that we can best nurture and support our children's emotional wellbeing.
The workshop is aimed at parents of children under the age of 12, who become easily overwhelmed with big emotions, and often scream, shout, tantrum and lash-out verbally.
Based on scientific research and evidence based practise, the workshop will give parents/carers practical skills for managing their child's anxieties and worries. Carers will walk away having the tools to create a safe base for their child to thrive in and reach their true potential.
Please contact us at the clinic if you would like to know anything further about the program, including course dates and times.